ColorBook Java Applet   Commerical Version 2

Information :

Colorbook is a "color book" applet that allows you to interactively fill in colors for the various objects inside of it.


Author: Gokhan Dagli

Mail :

Class Files : colorbook.class , palette.class

This effect contains the code by Gokhan Dagli, used under a licence. Before using this applet you must read the license agreement.

Cost: 39USD   You can buy it when finished testing. Buy it once, use same regcode for new versions! you have to pay small amount of money and receive your registration codes (regcodes). You can buy the registration code using a credit card through Regsoft secure servers.

Sample :

Include the applet in an HTML page with code similar to the following:

<APPLET code=colorbook.class width=490 height=270>

<PARAM NAME=regcode VALUE="">

<PARAM NAME=info VALUE="Applet by Gokhan Dagli,">
<PARAM NAME=picture VALUE="ppict.gif">

<PARAM NAME=paletteposition VALUE="vertical">
<PARAM NAME=palettecolor VALUE="bbbbbb">
<PARAM NAME=palettewidth VALUE="180">
<PARAM NAME=paletteheight VALUE="270">

<PARAM NAME=basx VALUE="10">
<PARAM NAME=basy VALUE="10">

<PARAM NAME=brushcolor VALUE="7aa0f7">
<PARAM NAME=brushcolorposx VALUE="16">
<PARAM NAME=brushcolorposy VALUE="130">

<PARAM NAME=clearbut_posx VALUE="26">
<PARAM NAME=clearbut_posy VALUE="182">

<PARAM NAME=row_count VALUE="3">
<PARAM NAME=colorcount VALUE="12">

<PARAM NAME=color1 VALUE="09a030">
<PARAM NAME=color2 VALUE="e01919">
<PARAM NAME=color3 VALUE="7aa0f7">
<PARAM NAME=color4 VALUE="09328d">
<PARAM NAME=color5 VALUE="8d3e09">
<PARAM NAME=color6 VALUE="777777">
<PARAM NAME=color7 VALUE="ff99ff">
<PARAM NAME=color8 VALUE="0090a2">
<PARAM NAME=color9 VALUE="efe2ad">
<PARAM NAME=color10 VALUE="ffcc00">
<PARAM NAME=color11 VALUE="ea1eea">
<PARAM NAME=color12 VALUE="57d948">


Other Samples :

Code explanations :

The following instructions describe the meaning of the available parameters for this applet:

<APPLET code=colorbook.class width=490 height=270>

The applet tag identifies the location, class file name, and size of a Java applet. The first part of the tag code=colorbook.class identifies the name of the Java applet. The second and third part of the applet tag identifies the width and height of the applet (usually measured in screen pixels).

<PARAM NAME=regcode VALUE="">

Registration code (if you have it). In the "regcode" parameter, place the registration code you purchased from us. You have to pay small amount of money and receive your registration code (regcode).

<PARAM NAME=info VALUE="Applet by Gokhan Dagli,">

Information about the Colorbook.

<PARAM NAME=picture VALUE="ppict.gif">

Design a graphic for coloring and save it in the same directory as the applet classes. This image must be a gif file and it has only two colors, white and black. (Please use two colors gif palette, don't use 256 color palette. You can use MS Paint for create this image.)If you select the background image smaller than the paint area, it cannont fully cover the are, however this is acceptable.

<PARAM NAME=paletteposition VALUE="vertical">

You can set "vertical" or "horizontal" mode.

<PARAM NAME=palettecolor VALUE="bbbbbb">

Use "palettecolor" to change palette color. The format is same as the html color format, without the leading #.

<PARAM NAME=palettewidth VALUE="180">

This tag identifies the width of the palette.

<PARAM NAME=paletteheight VALUE="270">

This tag identifies the height of the palette.

<PARAM NAME=basx VALUE="10">

x koordidate of the color boxes

<PARAM NAME=basy VALUE="10">

y koordidate of the color boxes

<PARAM NAME=brushcolor VALUE="7aa0f7">

You can decide the default brush color with "brushcolor"

<PARAM NAME=brushcolorposx VALUE="16">

x koordidate of the brush color box

<PARAM NAME=brushcolorposy VALUE="130">

y koordidate of the brush color box

<PARAM NAME=clearbut_posx VALUE="26">

x koordinate of the clear button.

<PARAM NAME=clearbut_posy VALUE="182">

y koordinate of the clear button.

<PARAM NAME=column_count VALUE="3">

Color column count of the palette.

<PARAM NAME=colorcount VALUE="12">

Color count.

<PARAM NAME=color1 VALUE="09a030">

First color.

<PARAM NAME=color2 VALUE="e01919">

Second color.

<PARAM NAME=color3 VALUE="7aa0f7">

Third color.

<PARAM NAME=color4 VALUE="09328d">

Fourth color.

<PARAM NAME=color5 VALUE="8d3e09">

Fifth color.

<PARAM NAME=color6 VALUE="777777">

Sixth color.

<PARAM NAME=color7 VALUE="ff99ff">

Seventh color.

<PARAM NAME=color8 VALUE="0090a2">

Eighth color.

<PARAM NAME=color9 VALUE="efe2ad">

Nineth color.

<PARAM NAME=color10 VALUE="ffcc00">

Tenth color.

<PARAM NAME=color11 VALUE="ea1eea">

Eleventh color.

<PARAM NAME=color12 VALUE="57d948">

Twelfth color.


The last part works like all other HTML tags and defines the end of the applet tag </applet>.

Getting Started

  • Place the class files (colorbook.class and palette.class) and an image in the directory containing the HTML document into which you want to insert the applet (or into a different directory, and add the correct CODEBASE= attribute).
  • Add the applet tag to your HTML document in the position you want colorbook to appear.
  • The info parameter in the third line must be included for the applet to run. It is case sensitive, and the number of spaces between words must be identical (entirely single-spaced). If you try to run the applet and you see the message "Warning! info parameter error", it denotes a problem with this parameter.
  • I don't prefer transparent gif , for use with Colorbook. Because ,sometimes, transparent gif images blink when you click on it. You can save transparent gif images with MS Paint. If you save transparent images with Adobe , you have a problem. Please test your images with Colorbook applet.

Troubleshooting & Support

  • Please send me any questions, requests or remarks you might have to:
  • Confirmed compatibility with Netscape versions 3.01 to 4.5 and Microsoft Internet Explorer versions 3.0 to 4.1 for Windows 95/98/NT4. Also compatible with Internet Explorer 4.5 for Macintosh. jdk 1.02
  • Usually the easiest way to customize the applet is cut and paste the applet tag information used in the sample and modify it to fit your web page.
  • If you see a "class not found" message, this means what it says -- your browser can't find the .class files specified. This may mean a spelling or case mistake in the CODE= attribute, the wrong location in the CODEBASE= attribute, or that you've forgotten to copy the .class files (colorbook.class and palette.class) to the necessary directory.
  • The info parameter in the third line must be included for the applet to run. It is case sensitive, and the number of spaces between words must be identical (entirely single-spaced). If you try to run the applet and you see the message "Warning! info parameter error", it denotes a problem with this parameter.
  • Make sure that your <APPLET> tag, closing </APPLET> tag, and all <PARAM> tags have < and > brackets. Check that the value for every parameter is enclosed between " signs.
  • If you see a NullPointerException displayed in the browser status-bar, it's most likely to be caused by a mistake in an image-based parameter. Check that paths and names of images are correct.
  • Recently the two big browser names, Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator, have gone through some Java security paranoia. With certain browsers, any Java applet that tries to load an external file from your own system such as a sound, image or text file will be prevented from running. Many applets try to load sound or image files, in particular, and they certainly aren't a threat to your system's security!
  • If the applet runs, but you can't make it do what you want it to do, please take another look at the documentation.

Colorbook Java Applet- Copyright (C) by Gokhan Dagli 2000