Books of the Bible: Old Testament - Part Two

Unscramble the following Old Testament books:
21) cslcisseetEa __________________________
22) nSooloonogSfm __________________________
23) hiIaas __________________________
24) eJaeirhm __________________________
25) mattnniLaose __________________________
26) lkeeziE __________________________
27) nlaeiD __________________________
28) eaHos __________________________
29) leJo __________________________
30) oAsm __________________________
31) haiaObd __________________________
32) hanoJ __________________________
33) ahMic __________________________
34) umaNh __________________________
35) abHaukkk __________________________
36) apinehahZ __________________________
37) gHaiga __________________________
38) Zaicreahh __________________________
39) ilaMahc __________________________
Hint: These are the last 19 books of the Old Testament listed in their correct order (21-39).
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